Why Should I Get a Professional Carpet Cleaning? Reason #1

Reason #1: Health

A healthy and happy home starts with clean carpet, the biggest air filter in your home.
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the average person spends 90 percent or more of their time indoors, where levels of pollutants may be two to five times (and occasionally more than 100 times) higher than outdoor levels.

This makes it extremely important to perform regular maintenance inside your home or business. In addition to vacuuming, cleaning and checking for water damage on a regular basis, using a professional carpet cleaning company will help extend the life of your flooring and upholstery and ensure that your home or business is healthy for those who live and work there.

If you attempt to clean your carpet, you may eventually come across the issue of mildew and mold. This is because many homeowners who try to clean their carpets on their own leave them too wet, which provides a perfect environment for mildew and mold to grow. A professional carpet cleaner with the right equipment will make sure that your carpet is not oversaturated during a cleaning to avoid this issue, which could pose a health hazard.

Zerorez® was established to solve the industry's top concerns such as: cleaning solution safe for pets and kids, no more reappearing spots, and carpet that will dry faster to name just a few. Our patented Zrā„¢ Water technology eliminates the need for harsh soaps, shampoos and detergent. This innovative cleaning system leaves zero sticky, dirt attracting residue so your home will stay cleaner, longer and is safe for pets and kids!

or Zerorez of St. Louis today and learn more about how a professional carpet cleaning can benefit a healthy and happy you!

Book a Cleaning with Zerorez Today!